Wednesday, August 31, 2005


I love baseball. I don’t know why. It’s not very exciting, but I love it. Tonight, my friend and I went to see the Frisco Roughriders play. We had a good time. It’s a nice ballpark and there aren’t any bad seats. It’s a lot smaller than the Rangers field, so the players look like actual people rather than little ants.

I don’t watch baseball on TV much. Mostly because I don’t like watching a lot of TV (I easily fall into a vegetative state when the TV is on.) But if I happen to come across a Rangers game, I usually watch it. But I don’t think I want to go to Rangers games anymore. Why should I when the Roughriders are so close by? And parking is free. And tickets are cheap and good. And I can get the good kind of nachos where they squirt the cheese on top of the chips and by the time you get to the bottom the chips are all soggy. I love that. Oh, and there is cotton candy. I had some tonight. I feel another diabetic coma coming on. Seriously, when I first got home, my hands were shaking because my blood sugar level was freaking out. But it’s worth it. I brought the rest of it home so I could eat more tomorrow.

The ‘Riders lost. 10-0. To Midland. I mean, how do you lose to a team from the middle of nowhere? What is there around Midland? Other than Odessa, of course. But that’s not the point. The point is that I had a great time anyway. Cuz I love baseball. And baseball players. And baseball uniforms. But mostly baseball players. In baseball uniforms. And there’s no better way to watch baseball than while eating cotton candy and soggy nachos.

Oh, I almost forgot. My friend and I wore our usual baseball attire. I have a red shirt that says “I’d rather be with you.” She has a blue shirt that says “I already forgot your name.” Fun stuff. We wear them every time we go to a ball game.

Okay, that’s all for tonight. I think I have to go eat real food. And then go to bed. I’m old.

Monday, August 29, 2005

On second thought

Maybe a goose down comforter in August wasn't such a great idea. I was burning up last night.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

It's about time...

I got a down comforter for Christmas. Nothing fancy, just a plain white down comforter. But I loved it. My dog really liked it too. He still slept on the bed with me at the time and I think he enjoyed it as much as I did. In fact, I know he did. He liked it so much he decided to eat it. Well, not really eat it, just chew on it. It’s amazing how much goose down came out of the tiny hole he chewed in it. But here’s the thing: he chewed a hole in it in the middle of the night. I was sound asleep. You know how I realized the comforter was leaking? I snorted goose down up my nose. I don’t know if you’ve ever woken up from a dead sleep by accidentally snorting something up your nose, but take it from me, it’s not fun. Especially when you realize you just snorted up part of your Christmas present. Dylan is lucky he survived the night.

Anyway, I stopped using it after that. I kept thinking I would eventually take it somewhere to get the hole patched up, but I never did. But then one day I was at Overstock and I found a duvet cover I really liked. Oh, my goodness, it was beautiful. Microsuede on one side and microfiber on the other. I had to get it. After all, it was from Overstock, so it wasn’t very expensive and they had $1 shipping. I was thinking I’d eventually put in on the down comforter that had a hole in it.

But I procrastinate. My motto is: Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid doing altogether. And I was avoiding getting the comforter fixed. But then a friend had a BRILLIANT idea. She suggested I use duct tape to fix the comforter. I would never have thought of that. But I don’t know why. I mean, I’ve heard the line about how duct tape and bailing wire can fix anything, and since this is my bed we’re talking about, I don’t think bailing wire would have been the right choice.

So tonight, I fixed the comforter with duct tape and put the duvet cover on it. It’s beautiful. I can’t wait to go to bed. ‘Night!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

I think my dog hates me

I have a bad little dog. Well, I take that back. He's not bad. He's just a dog. He does stupid dog stuff. Anyway, this morning while we were outside taking care of business, he was trying to be very ferocious. There was a very nice man walking to his truck to get something out and Dylan was growling and barking like he thought the man had just killed someone. He was pulling on the leash really hard, which he always does, and suddenly, his collar broke. He ran towards the startled man as fast as he could, thinking, I'm sure, that the nice man would pet him. Except the man didn't know Dylan wasn't going to bite him.

Anyway, fast forward a few hours. It's lunch time and I'm at Petco getting my dog a new collar. They have some bins out front with their "Blow Out" items and I just have to sift through it a minute. Guess what I find. Haha. A hawaiian shirt. For dogs. It was only $5. I had to get it. I just had to. I'm a mean little mama.

So I bought the shirt. I didn't put it on him until that evening, but boy, was he unhappy. Have you ever watched a dog try to take his shirt off? Haha. It's pretty funny.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

The British

I love British accents. I think I do a pretty good one. Not perfect, but if someone familiar with British accents heard, they would probably just think I was from out in the country and was uneducated. Much like we Americans think of people from Georgia or Alabama or other state with a noticeable southern drawl.

Anyway, Brittney and I went to Target tonight and the whole time I was there, I talked in a British accent. It was totally fun. It's weird how people respond to you differently when they think you are from England. People would hear me talk and look up and smile. That doesn't usually happen when I'm speaking Texan.

I also talked about how different things are here than in Britain. I talked about how hot it was in America, etc. Of course, I've never been to Britain, but I'd like to go someday. Maybe I'll be able to blend in with the locals. Then again, I love the limelight, so I'll probably use my American accent there so that when people hear me talk, they will look up and smile. Of course, they might rather throw something at me. I'll have to think about that one before I actually go.

I even talked on the phone to a friend and she didn't notice it. I was afraid she would ask why I sounded strange, but I didn't want to have to explain what I was doing, because those around me enjoying my Britishness would know it was all a ruse and then they would look at me like I was retarded rather than like I was a cool Briton.

I think that will be my Target voice from now on. Very cool. Maybe when I meet a man, I should talk like this, too, and when he wants to know where I am from, I can have him try to guess. It could take hours. And I would laugh the whole time.

This is also preparation just in case Prince William ever proposes and there is some sort of public outcry about him marrying an American girl. I can lie, and say I am from Liverpool, or something like that.


Friday, August 19, 2005

My day

Today I'm going to do a very girly thing. You know the joke about girls that talk on the phone and they tell their man what they had to eat that day? In my opinion, you can tell a lot about a person by what they eat. So I'm going to tell you what I ate today.

I had Tootie Fruities for breakfast. It's basically Fruit Loops, but it's the cheap bag cereal brand. Then while I was at work, I sort of got the munchies. My friend Shad (more on him later) brings all kinds of food to work so I had some of his Honey Nut Cheerios. I didn't eat it with milk though. Just dry cereal right out of the box.

Then for lunch, I wasn't very hungry cuz I had just eaten the HNC. So I didn't eat lunch at all. Then my friend Tracy (wonderful, blessed Tracy) was going to the mall for lunch and she offered to get me a doozie. Ever had a doozie? Oy vey. Delightfully scrumptious. It's a chocolate chip cookie sandwich with icing in middle. Yum. Then I went into a diabetic coma for a few hours. Nothing like a coma on a Friday afternoon.

For dinner I had tomato soup (yum) and a grilled cheese sandwich. And a glass of milk. I love milk.

So that was my day. I think I'm going to have ice cream later on.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Words are hard

Okay, so I was chatting over IM with this guy at work the other day and I mentioned my blog, etc, and he asked for my blog address, so I gave it to him. Then he wanted to know who Carolyn McCulley was. Immediately, I was like “Oh, crap. How do I explain this without sounding like I’m part of the ‘desperate to get married’ club?” I mean, I don’t know this guy all that well, and it’s usually bad form for girls to talk about marriage with guys they don’t know. It freaks them out. So I made a few comments, etc, trying to explain that it is more about understanding that there’s a difference between WANTING to get married someday and DESPERATE to get married now. Cuz I’m totally fine just being single for now. But I want it to be meaningful in some way, yada yada yada. Anyway, I was doing my best at conveying this idea and then I said this: “basically she says that your single years are supposed to be spent just looking for a spouse.” Did you catch that? I totally forgot the word 'NOT'!!!!!! I didn’t realize it at first but when I did, I almost died laughing! I was like “No wonder he quit chatting not long after that.”

HAHAHAHAHA - The evil twin has an outlet

Okay so this is really fun.

Whenever Meredith has something uplifting to say, she can post it here.

But whenever Jan feels like being tacky, she can post it here.

And I won't tell anyone, so the only people who will read this are those observant enough to see the new link on The Wiggly Rice. So I can be as tacky as I want.

I'm so excited, I can hardly stand it!