Sunday, August 28, 2005

It's about time...

I got a down comforter for Christmas. Nothing fancy, just a plain white down comforter. But I loved it. My dog really liked it too. He still slept on the bed with me at the time and I think he enjoyed it as much as I did. In fact, I know he did. He liked it so much he decided to eat it. Well, not really eat it, just chew on it. It’s amazing how much goose down came out of the tiny hole he chewed in it. But here’s the thing: he chewed a hole in it in the middle of the night. I was sound asleep. You know how I realized the comforter was leaking? I snorted goose down up my nose. I don’t know if you’ve ever woken up from a dead sleep by accidentally snorting something up your nose, but take it from me, it’s not fun. Especially when you realize you just snorted up part of your Christmas present. Dylan is lucky he survived the night.

Anyway, I stopped using it after that. I kept thinking I would eventually take it somewhere to get the hole patched up, but I never did. But then one day I was at Overstock and I found a duvet cover I really liked. Oh, my goodness, it was beautiful. Microsuede on one side and microfiber on the other. I had to get it. After all, it was from Overstock, so it wasn’t very expensive and they had $1 shipping. I was thinking I’d eventually put in on the down comforter that had a hole in it.

But I procrastinate. My motto is: Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid doing altogether. And I was avoiding getting the comforter fixed. But then a friend had a BRILLIANT idea. She suggested I use duct tape to fix the comforter. I would never have thought of that. But I don’t know why. I mean, I’ve heard the line about how duct tape and bailing wire can fix anything, and since this is my bed we’re talking about, I don’t think bailing wire would have been the right choice.

So tonight, I fixed the comforter with duct tape and put the duvet cover on it. It’s beautiful. I can’t wait to go to bed. ‘Night!


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