Tuesday, August 23, 2005

I think my dog hates me

I have a bad little dog. Well, I take that back. He's not bad. He's just a dog. He does stupid dog stuff. Anyway, this morning while we were outside taking care of business, he was trying to be very ferocious. There was a very nice man walking to his truck to get something out and Dylan was growling and barking like he thought the man had just killed someone. He was pulling on the leash really hard, which he always does, and suddenly, his collar broke. He ran towards the startled man as fast as he could, thinking, I'm sure, that the nice man would pet him. Except the man didn't know Dylan wasn't going to bite him.

Anyway, fast forward a few hours. It's lunch time and I'm at Petco getting my dog a new collar. They have some bins out front with their "Blow Out" items and I just have to sift through it a minute. Guess what I find. Haha. A hawaiian shirt. For dogs. It was only $5. I had to get it. I just had to. I'm a mean little mama.

So I bought the shirt. I didn't put it on him until that evening, but boy, was he unhappy. Have you ever watched a dog try to take his shirt off? Haha. It's pretty funny.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ballons? i looked that one up in an online dictionary:

bal·lon ( P ) Pronunciation Key (b-lô)
Buoyancy or lightness in movement that allows a dancer to rise and fall smoothly

Are you trying to say that by day you are a tax paying, ordinary postal worker named David, but by night, you are enrique, an outspoken refugee from el salvador whose sinful yet unquenchable dancing entices even the most rigid and unyielding women to cast caution to the dogs and become saturated in the rhythmic sways of passion

11:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

other definitions of ballon:
1. ["balloon"]. The appearance of weightlessness and of being airborne. A dancer is said to have ballon if (s)he seems to be in the air constantly with only momentary contact with the floor.

2. Bounce. Ballon is the light, elastic quality in jumping in which the dancer bounds up from the floor, pauses a moment in the air and descends lightly and softly, only to rebound in the air like the smooth bouncing of a ball.

3. The ability to hold a pose in the air.

maybe you could use your ballon abilities in your ordinary postal worker named David life. i can just see you bounding from house to house pausing a moment in the air and descending lightly and softly, only to rebound in the air like the smooth bouncing of a ball. do you have the ability to hold a pose in the air?

12:08 AM  

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