Friday, March 03, 2006


Sometimes when I cough, people think my cough is actually a sneeze and so they say ‘bless you.’ When that happens, I don’t know what to do. Normally, when I actually DO sneeze and someone says ‘bless you’ I say ‘thank you.’ But if I say ‘thank you’ when someone says ‘bless you’ when I actually coughed, I feel like I’m being deceitful by pretending to have sneezed when I, in fact, coughed. But then if I say ‘That was a cough, not a sneeze,’ then the person feels stupid. Surprisingly, though, I’m more comfortable with making someone look stupid than I am with being deceitful. But usually, I just don’t respond at all, which means that I feel rude for ignoring someone who just attempted to bless me after thinking that I sneezed.

Does that ever happen to you? What do you do?


Blogger Jon Wear said...

My thoughts on this have written about extensively at

I have no shame ;)

9:09 PM  
Blogger Jon Wear said...

I cannot seem to put a comment on Jan's blog without forgetting a word or completely screwing up the grammar in some way. Arg! Make I Angry!

9:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arg! Make I angry!
Ang Lee make gay cowboy movie!
It Oscar contender!
My movie no awards!
Madder Hulk get, stronger Hulk get!
Can't get out of this little box!
Let Hulk out!

7:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to say that I generally say "thank you", bit I think I am prone to "that was a cough". I think you should work on making your coughs sound less like sneezes. That should clear this whole thing up.

9:42 AM  

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