Friday, October 14, 2005


My friend Marc is learning Korean. He seems pretty good at it, although he can’t make all the sounds yet. Sometimes he has to make faces. Apparently that helps him with some of the vowels. Have you ever seen a very white guy speak Korean? It’s very odd. Sort of like the time I saw Jackie Chan singing Elvis’ “Fools Rush In.”

Anyway, in the spirit of learning foreign languages, let’s spend some time learning Chinese. Below are some common Chinese phrases and their translations.

Ah Tink Yu Fa Ni!: “You have a good sense of humor!”
Hu Flung Dung: "Which one of you fertilized the field?"
Hu Yu Hai Ding: "Are you harboring a fugitive?"
Wai Go Nao: "Do you really have to leave?"
Wai Yu Mun Ching: "I thought you were on a diet."
Wai Yu Shao Ting: "There is no reason to raise your voice."
Wai Yu Sing Dum Song: "You know the lyrics to the Macarena?"
Yu Stin Ki Pu: “Your body odor is offensive.”


Blogger Jon Wear said...

I actually read the first two before I realized the joke...won-dum-goi

3:21 PM  

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