Sunday, September 04, 2005

Rainy days and Mondays always get me down

But lazy days and Saturdays always make me happy. And when the lazy day and the Saturday happen to be the same day, it’s even better. Today I slept until 9:30. Then I got up for a few hours, checked my email, took the dog out, had breakfast. About noon, I went back to bed for 3 more hours. Oy vey. Wonderful, blessed sleep. I love sleep. Anyway, then I got up, ate again, took the dog out again, checked my email again. I stayed in my pajamas until 5:30.

But the rest of the evening didn’t quite go as planned. The plan was to go to a movie with my friend Brittney. But on her way to the theater, smoke started coming out of her steering column. Now, neither of us knows much about cars, but that’s bad, right? So we ditched the car back at her place and decided to go to the Olive Garden. Olive Garden has become the “when something breaks” place. When there’s a break-up, we go to the OG. When the car breaks, we go to the OG. So we went. There’s just something about OG salad that just makes you feel better.

Then we went back to her place. She’s having company tomorrow, so I helped her with a little last minute cleaning. The vacuum started to freak out a bit (I don’t think it liked the cat food it sucked up) so then I spent the next hour and a half taking it apart and putting it back together. Not that I know any more about vacuum cleaners than I do about cars, but I figured that if worst comes to worst, I can buy a new one. It’s all back together now, but I’m not exactly sure if it actually works. But, hey, if we discover it’s broken too, we’ll just go back to the Olive Garden. Problem solved. :)

Also, my roommate had planned on spending the night with her mom and step dad, but she called about 11 to let me know she would be coming home because she woke up with a mouse on her head.

Sometimes, things just don’t turn out like you expect them to.


Blogger Jon Wear said...

Ahh..lazy....ah....sleep....ah....something scurried across my head......wait.

12:57 PM  

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