Thursday, September 01, 2005

Baseball Part II

Guess what. I went and saw the Roughriders again tonight. When you have free tickets fall in your lap, you just have to go. My roommie and I went, but there were a lot of people from work there, too. We left during the bottom of the 8th inning. We were losing, AGAIN, to Midland. 9-4. But at least we were ahead during part of the game which was better than last night. But I ate a bunch of junk again. Even more so that last night cuz I added chocolate ice cream to the mix. I paid $4 for chocolate ice cream. And it wasn't even that good. And here I am complaining about paying $3 for a gallon of gas.


Blogger Meredith said...


3:53 PM  
Blogger Meredith said...

Sorry. I'm in too good of a mood today to be mean.

4:01 PM  
Blogger Meredith said...

All comments made on the Your Mama blog are definitely in jest. There should be a disclaimer. "All serious comments should be reserved for The Wiggly Rice. Any serious comment left on this site will immediately be deleted by management."

4:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You left in the 8th inning?
Oh the violation!
The desecration!
That's it! Get off the bandwagon!

11:47 AM  

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