Monday, September 26, 2005


I’m not an official member of a regular singles class at church.  I teach a class for single parents and I had been an honorary member of the singles class I came from since then.  I went to all their social events, etc.  But then that class split into two and I have friends in both classes.  I thought it was sort of weird being an honorary member of both classes as well as a real member of my own.  Maybe I’m spreading myself too thin.

Anyhoo, last night the Cruz/Rorie ABF (Adult Bible Fellowship, Lake-Pointe-speak for Sunday School class) had its first official social event as a new ABF.  They were going to go bowling, but the alley they went to only has league bowling until almost 9.  So they decided to go to Borders and play Texas Hold’em.  (It’s not really gambling.  I mean, we weren’t playing with real money or anything.  Just for fun, having a good time.  It’s no different from playing Spades or something, except that instead of keeping score on paper, you just add up your chips.)

I went to church last night and after it was over, I decided to join them for a little fun.  They had already started, but I got dealt in, although they gave me fewer chips than everyone else started with.  That’s okay.  They got to have a head start.

I kicked butt.  Not trying to brag or anything (I’m much too modest for that.)  I’m just stating the facts.  I killed‘em.  Creamed’em.  I think it comes back to my ability to read people.  I just KNEW when they were bluffing.  I lost one hand pretty big because I thought one guy was bluffing and it turns out he WAS bluffing, but only because he didn’t realize he had a flush, which killed my whatever-I-had.  So he thought he had nothing, and I knew that he thought he had nothing, but then he really did have something, and he ended up with my chips.  Poophead.  

Brittney and I were the last two standing.  Once you get down to two people, especially amateurs like us, it’s really all about luck.  Nobody wants to fold, so you just stay in and hope for the best.  On the last hand, she was all in.  There was one card left to turn and I was drawing to a winning hand.  Then the dealer pulled a 6 on the river to complete my straight and ensure my victory.  Yeah, I got skills.

I don’t know why I get such a kick out of poker, especially beating guys as poker.  I guess because it’s such a typical guy game.  Don’t believe me?  Click here.  I’m typically not the type of woman who tries to do things just because someone tells me that I can’t because I’m female.  I used to be, but then I realized I had better things to do with my time than prove other people wrong.  But I do get a kick out of contributing to the occasional paradigm shift.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

More quizzes

I am nerdier than 23% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

I am 42% loser. What about you? Click here to find out!

What is your weird quotient? Click to find out!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Piece of crap

I don't know why, but the text from my previous post doesn't always show up. To see it, scroll down a little and then scroll back. It's having some sort of crazy paint problem. Oy vey. And it's such a good quote, too.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Of Frogs and Men

There's a shocking lack of quality men in this world. Sometimes, you just have to kiss frogs.

Monday, September 19, 2005

My love languages

Okay, so I lied. I'll go ahead and post it, but over here at Your Mama.

Your Name:Jan
Total A - Words of Affirmation: 5
Total B - Quality Time: 9
Total C - Receiving Gifts: 1
Total D - Acts of Service: 3
Total E - Physical Touch: 11

Thursday, September 15, 2005


IM is the bane of my existence. Actually, that’s wrong. It’s the bane of my productivity’s existence. Today, I had to take my laptop down to the cafeteria and work because my desktop computer is wrought with dangers in the shape of email and instant messaging and weather radars and funny websites. I had to run away, create a plan of action to protect myself from evils that would neutralize all efforts to get something done today. I was somewhat successful. Will give it another go tomorrow.

So beware. Don’t let technology get you too.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Do you care?

Time for the next English lesson.

This is a HUGE pet peeve of mine. So I mean it when I say "I could care less" because I do care! A lot!

Comedy of errors

OMG! I can’t believe it. I’ve been wrong this whole time. Seriously, I’m mortified. I mean, this is me we’re talking about here. Jan – The Language Snob.

I’ve been saying “yea” this whole time. I always thought “yay” was some retarded spelling that people who didn’t know how to spell “yea” used. Turns out, it’s CORRECT. I’m just beside myself. If anyone should know this, it’s me. I’m not sure I can ever show my face in public again.

So you’ll know what I’m talking about here’s an excerpt from Common Errors in English Usage by Paul Brians:
“Yea” is a very old-fashioned formal way of saying “yes,” used mainly in voting. It’s the opposite of—and rhymes with—“nay.” When you want to write the common casual version of “yes,” the correct spelling is “yeah” (sounds like “yeh” ). When the third grade teacher announced a class trip to the zoo, we all yelled “yay” (the opposite of “boo”). That was back when I was only yay big.

Although, I don’t feel so bad since I’m typing this in MS Word before I post it and Word has it underlined in red like it’s a misspelled word. So if the geniuses at Microsoft don’t know about the correct spelling of “yay,” then I guess I shouldn’t feel so stupid.

Occasionally, we may have English Language lessons, but for those of you who are curious, here’s the list of errors.

Rainy days and Mondays always get me down

But lazy days and Saturdays always make me happy. And when the lazy day and the Saturday happen to be the same day, it’s even better. Today I slept until 9:30. Then I got up for a few hours, checked my email, took the dog out, had breakfast. About noon, I went back to bed for 3 more hours. Oy vey. Wonderful, blessed sleep. I love sleep. Anyway, then I got up, ate again, took the dog out again, checked my email again. I stayed in my pajamas until 5:30.

But the rest of the evening didn’t quite go as planned. The plan was to go to a movie with my friend Brittney. But on her way to the theater, smoke started coming out of her steering column. Now, neither of us knows much about cars, but that’s bad, right? So we ditched the car back at her place and decided to go to the Olive Garden. Olive Garden has become the “when something breaks” place. When there’s a break-up, we go to the OG. When the car breaks, we go to the OG. So we went. There’s just something about OG salad that just makes you feel better.

Then we went back to her place. She’s having company tomorrow, so I helped her with a little last minute cleaning. The vacuum started to freak out a bit (I don’t think it liked the cat food it sucked up) so then I spent the next hour and a half taking it apart and putting it back together. Not that I know any more about vacuum cleaners than I do about cars, but I figured that if worst comes to worst, I can buy a new one. It’s all back together now, but I’m not exactly sure if it actually works. But, hey, if we discover it’s broken too, we’ll just go back to the Olive Garden. Problem solved. :)

Also, my roommate had planned on spending the night with her mom and step dad, but she called about 11 to let me know she would be coming home because she woke up with a mouse on her head.

Sometimes, things just don’t turn out like you expect them to.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Baseball Part II

Guess what. I went and saw the Roughriders again tonight. When you have free tickets fall in your lap, you just have to go. My roommie and I went, but there were a lot of people from work there, too. We left during the bottom of the 8th inning. We were losing, AGAIN, to Midland. 9-4. But at least we were ahead during part of the game which was better than last night. But I ate a bunch of junk again. Even more so that last night cuz I added chocolate ice cream to the mix. I paid $4 for chocolate ice cream. And it wasn't even that good. And here I am complaining about paying $3 for a gallon of gas.